Referring to the difficult conditions of management of companies in the current state of the country’s economy, the vice president for policy and development of scientific vice president said: necessary support must be provided by the government authorities so that in the next 10 years, Behshahr Holding will have a leap forward in the field of innovation and technology.
According to the report of Communication and Information Management, Mehdi Eliasi said at the internal excellence and progress award ceremony of Behshahr Industrial Development Company: The development coefficient depends on the number of large companies and the size of these companies. The welfare of society depends on the number of large and successful companies.
He added that the only solution to solve the problem of high inflation and low welfare is to increase the number of large enterprises. One of the main criteria of successful companies is the level of innovation.
This official pointed out that today we have 10,000 knowledge-based enterprises in the country, which should move towards becoming bigger, and said: Currently, knowledge-based enterprises cover 1.5-3% of the country’s economic processes. This is while the effects of these companies in areas such as health are much more than these cases. If there were no knowledge-based companies, the cost of the country’s health would increase by three to five billion dollars.
Referring to the role of large companies in the knowledge-based economy, the professor of Allameh Tabatabai University said: We currently have 200 companies in the country that can have a serious effect on the country’s economic developments. Today, successful experiences of forming an innovation ecosystem have been created in the country, which can increase resilience against sanctions and exchange rate jumps.
Referring to the production jump law, Eliasi said: We should move in the direction of which part of large companies is knowledge-based. In this regard, exemptions are given to the level of knowledge-based companies.
He emphasized that based on the policy of encouraging large companies, 100% of Kurdish research and development expenses will be given a tax exemption.
This senior government official emphasized that, according to the plans, from now on instead of start-up companies, the new concept of large innovative companies in the knowledge-based economy will be considered.
Referring to the difficult conditions of managing companies in the current state of the country’s economy, the vice president for policy and development said: “We must help in different parts of the government so that in the next 10 years, Behshahr Industries Development Company has a leap forward in the field of innovation and technology.”